This page is all about me. Sorry, but I have to do this. This is the only page on my website about me. I will keep it brief, though, OK?
Who am I?
I am Rick McEvoy, formal name Richard. I am in my early 50s, happily married and living in Dorset on the South coast of England.
My interests include family, photography, podcasting, writing, travel, football and cricket.
I am an architectural and construction photographer, photography educator, blogger and podcaster.
Get in touch if you want to talk to me about photographing your building or construction project, or read on to find out more about me.

I have been interested in photography since about 13 (so long ago I can’t remember). I had my own darkroom by age 16 (funded and tolerated on the chest freezer in the utility room by Mum and Dad).
I have no idea where this lifelong interest came from and why photography is still my thing all these years later.
But it still is, which is nice.
At school, I was rubbish and flunked my “O” Levels, getting three the first time and three more on resits. Not good grades either.
For my “A” Levels, I “studied” Geography, Geology and Art. Art? Yes, I wanted to learn photography even back then. I dropped out of art and passed my other 2 “A” Levels with the lowest possible grades (E). I even failed General Studies.
So hardly a gifted student then (it does get better, trust me).
I left school and went to Art College for two terms before deciding I needed money. I dropped out of college and started working for a construction company, starting right at the bottom as a labourer.
This gave me an excellent grounding in, well, everything. Since then, I have been a construction manager, senior project manager, principal project manager, building surveyor, facilities manager and many other things in various environments and sectors.
I have extensive experience working in the construction industry, making being an architectural and construction photographer an utterly logical thing for me to do, combining my two lifetimes of experience.
And do you know what – I love photographing buildings.
I have travelled extensively with my best mate, Mrs M.
I have also summited the highest active volcano in the world, completed (just) the London Marathon and dived to a ridiculous depth.
Professional Qualifications
I am professionally qualified in construction and am still proud to have the letters MCIOB after my name after all these years. I am a Chartered Construction Manager in the Chartered Institute of Building.
I am also professionally qualified in photography, being an Associate of the British Institute of Professional Photography (ABIPP).
This is my listing on the BIPP website.
These two qualifications put me in, I believe, a unique position to be able to photograph buildings, especially when you add my two lifetimes of experience in construction and photography.
You can read more about this on my Work With Me page.
I also have many other professional qualifications, including a funky one that included some MSc-level physics. Yes, I think I underachieved at school.
I was going to stop there, but I want to share a few more things with you.
My Photography Blog
I write a photography blog about a variety of photographic subjects. I write as I talk, so this is a great place to get to know me (see below).
I started writing about photography a few years ago and hugely enjoy this process. You will find a wide variety of posts on my blog, centred on building photography.
- Architectural Photography
- Construction Photography
- Dorset Photography
- Hampshire Photography
- Lightroom, Photoshop and Luminar
- Micro Four Thirds Photography
- Photography
- Photography Business
- Photography Explained Podcast
- Photography Gear
- Travel Photography
Photography Explained Podcast
Yes, I have my own podcast, Photography Explained. Rather than write all about it again, I would like to point you toward the Photography Explained Podcast website.
I will say that I explain one photographic thing per episode in plain English in less than 10 minutes without the irrelevant details. I could not find a podcast that did this, so I created my own.
You can read the content on the website if you would rather not listen to me, which is fine.
I also have a YouTube channel!
If that lot is not enough, I have my own YouTube Channel where I post a weekly video that accompanies my weekly photography blog post (when I have time).
Guest Writing
I have written many articles on the Improve Photography website and guest blog posts for others in the photography world.
Travel Photography
Regarding travel (which I was earlier), my other photographic thing is travel photography. This is where I combine my loves of photography and travel, so much so that I have created two websites.
Check out these websites, and you will see the other side of me, the travel side. Paxos Travel Guide also has an accompanying YouTube Channel.
My landscape photography
This is my other passion. I am not sure where travel photography starts and landscape photography ends. Not that it matters.
Check out my pages about places in England and photos that I have taken of them.
How to get in touch with me
Just head over to my contact page.
You can also find out what I am up to on my other social media channels.
Although to be honest, my website is the best place these days.
All My Own Work!
Everything you see on my website and hear on my podcast is my thoughts, words and hard work.
On a commercial shoot, I take the photos and process them – I do all that myself, too. And everything before and after.
Like I say, all my own work.
The last thing I want to say here is that Rick McEvoy Photography is just me – I do everything and mean everything. This is how I can guarantee that if you commission me, you will get the highest quality personal service I can provide – this is what I pride myself on.
And my photos are not too bad either, even if I say so myself!
Cheers from me, Rick