So this morning portfolio image number 4 was finalised, and here it is.

This was always the next image – I have not added that one I was talking about the other day – maybe tomorrow……
This shot is one taken for a construction product photography shoot at a new private housing development in Poole, Dorset.
The assignment was to photograph the render to these fantastic new homes in Poole, which was used for the boundary walls and the protruding middle floors of the rear of the development. The client was KRend, the manufacturer and installer.
This is a portfolio image. I have done a little more work on this from that produced by the client, but not much at all. Just a bit more tidying up and cleaning up bits here and there.
At the bottom (well after this paragraph) of this post is the original flat raw version (well I wouldn’t put this at the top now would I?). You can see in this image the things that have been removed, power lines, scars in the tarmac, debris, for sale sign – that sort of thing. But the buildings are the buildings, and the gardens are the gardens, so again I have done some polishing but this is what you actually see when you stand where I took this shot. Well the car might not be there, nestled in front of the garage. I could have removed the car, but the car was there – people have cars after all. I am not photographing sterile boxes of concrete – I am photographing people’s homes.

Three bracketed exposures taken in AV mode at F8, ISO400, 1/1000th, 1/4000 and 1/250th second.
Canon 6D, 17-40mm F4L Lens using a focal length of 20mm.
The image was captured handheld, at a not great time of the day for photography is has to be said!
I used a higher ISO as I was holding my camera above my head for some shots, not that I need to worry about that any more with my new funky photography equipment!
A few words on this image, and why it is in my portfolio.
My portfolio is about the work I do, the architectural photography, and in this case construction photography. My portfolio is my work. This is what you will get if you commission me to photograph your building.
I could fill my portfolio with lots of lovely pictures of Dorset and Hampshire images, but to what end?
No my portfolio is a business tool, showing my commercial photography work, and the level I am working at at the moment. I have my own style which I want to shine through my entire portfolio. So my portfolio might not consist of the most stunning landscapes, nationally known buildings and monuments or world famous sites in cites from around the planet.
My portfolio is real, local, commercial photography, taken by me and processed by me. 100% all my own work, and hopefully work that people locally can relate to and identify with.
Thanks for reading this post, and please call back to my blog tomorrow for another post and maybe image number 5 at