Richards Retreat – my own personal New Forest Hampshire Photographer Enclosure. I wish!!
A bit self indulgent? Yes. Completeely.
But I saw this sign and it made me smile. I guess the New Forest is a retreat for me from day to day stuff, one of my favourite places to go with my camera and find something new. Discover some new Hampshire Landscape Photography locations. This sign was clearly meant for me so has to be included in my collection of images of Hampshire.
This picture was taken one late November afternoon some time ago now, back In the day when I had Adobe Photoshop 10 I seem to remember, but had no clue how to use it.
I was a Lightroom 1.0 user, starting my digital photography endeavour when Lightroom was unleashed onto the world by Adobe. Before Lightroom you had Photoshop.
I can’t imagine a world without Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC (to give its full title) now.
But back to this, one of my favourite Hampshire pictures.
And here is the strange thing. I was meant to be writing about this picture of Hampshire,!m but ended writing the following about yesterday’s image.
I must be tired…..
“It was literally just a case of looking up. I was travelling through the New Forest, and stopped as I saw something interesting. The something I saw was the light changing and the clouds moving. It was very striking through the winter trees, so I got out of my car and walked. I took a few shots which were average at best, and was on my way back to the car to get a different lens when I stopped and looked up.
Th sky was constantly changing, with quite a strong wind moving the clouds and the sun was in and out, so I did the obvious thing and looked up, liked what I saw, and took this picture of Hampshire’s New Forest.
I have said this before and I will say it again – if you want to improve your photography go out and take photos.”
I kept this text in this post as it is all relevant and true to my Hampshire Photography work, but is nothing about the image above!
So what do I have to say about this image?
Its all about me. That’s it. No more.
Technical info for this shot.
This was taken on my Canon EOS 5D, 1/60th second, F4, ISO400, 67mm focal length on my Canon 24-105mm F4L lens. AV mode even back then!