The New Forest – look up in the summer! Another example of the variety of my photography in Hampshire.
Different location to the blue winter looking up at the trees picture. Same idea though.
Same lens. Same type of viewpoint. That is lying down on the ground on my trusty groundsheet.
But completely different colours. A big mass of summer green, a splash of blue and the sun up there somewhere. The same but different – that is the beauty of photography – the endless possibilities.
Well actually this is the beauty of nature.
Photography is just about capturing what is there. Nature does all the clever stuff. All we do is point our cameras at what nature has created!
Technical info for this different from the norm Hampshire landscape photography image.
Again taken on my Canon EOS 6D, using my Canon 8-15mm F4L lens – the fisheye zoom lens – at a focal length of 15mm. 1/8000th second, F8, ISO400, lying on my back. Virtually identical settings!!
That shutter speed certainly got everything tack sharp!
Procrssing in Lightroom was minimal, and no Photoshop work required at all.
Please visit my Hampshire web page at http://www.rickmcevoyphotography.co.uk/Hampshire-photographer where you see the latest selection of images of Hampshire.
Any questions? You can contact me at http://www.rickmcevoyphotography.co.uk/contact or via the phone number and email on my website home page at http://www.rickmcevoyphotography.co.uk