My dramatic image of the Castle at Monolithos, on the west coast of Rhodes.
An old, abandoned castle on the top of a mountain overlooking the Aegean Sea.
An absolutely stunning location to photograph on the island of Rhodes.
And one that I recommend everyone visits if they are fortunate enough to go to this lovely island.
Now I have been here before. I returned to this location knowing the things I wanted to photograph. And this is what this post is all about.
Going back to places.
You get home from a trip, you look at the photographs you have taken, process them, share them. And I don’t know about you but I often think, hmmm, if only I had shot this or that.
I don’t have a problem with this, and often go back to locations I have photographed. Obviously a Greek island is a bit more complicated, but the principle applies to anything you photograph.
Every time I go back to a place I have photographed, I nearly always find something new, something I haven’t seen before, or a different way of looking at things.
So don’t think that once you have been somewhere that is it – it is good to go back to places and try something new.
So what did I want to capture? The inside of this abandoned structure, with the bricks forming the dome with all those textures, and the view of the sea and the island through the open end.
And when I went back I had one thing I wanted to do – lie down on my back and get the depth of this structure, and emphasis the textures. I wanted to photograph this building from this different angle.
Everyone was photographing the views, but I was the only one lying down on my back pointing my camera up.
I did get some strange looks but I am getting used to that!!
This is an HDR photograph. Two pictures merged into one. I am going to process just the correctly exposed image, and post the two together for comparison, see which image people prefer. HDR is a great technique for interior photography, and this is sort of interior photography!!
Thanks for reading this post about my picture of the castle in Monolithos, Rhodes, and call back tomorrow for another image from this location (maybe).