Guided Upright – A brand new feature in Adobe Lightroom CC – why is this important for me as an architectural photographer?

Guided Upright – A brand new feature in Adobe Lightroom CC – why is this important for me as an architectural photographer?

Check out the Adobe press release below.

Guided upright grabs all the headlines in the Adobe Lightroom CC 2015.6 update. This is new functionality that Adobe have added to the new “Transform” panel.

 I will extract from the Adobe Press Release – no point me trying to re-write what they have written.

 Introducing Guided Upright

We included Upright as a tool that helped Lightroom customers easily straighten images, fix horizons, and reduce or eliminate the keystone effect in buildings.  Upright works well when there are prominent vertical and horizontal lines.  Not all images contain prominent lines, limiting the effectiveness of Upright.

Starting with Lightroom CC 2015.6, Guided Upright allows you to provide ‘hints’ that enable Upright to work its magic.  You draw the vertical and horizontal lines directly on the image and Upright will automatically transform the image.  Here’s how to get started.

Select an image and click on the Develop Module.

Enable Lens Profile Corrections.  Upright works better with Lens Profile Corrections.

Notice that there is a new “Transform” Panel.   Transform includes both Upright and the manual perspective correction sliders together in a convenient place.

Within Transform, click on the “Guided” button.

Draw 2-4 guides on the image.  Upright will transform the image once you draw at least 2 guides.

Fine tune the results (if needed) with the manual transform slides, including the new X and Y transform sliders.  They can be used for repositioning/moving the image within the canvas after applying strong perspective corrections to choose which part of the (warped, non-rectangular) image to show within the rectangular canvas.”

Click on the link above to view the images associated with this press release

Will I use this?

Yes. Lots.

I am an architectural photographer. And an interior photographer.

There is a very specific technical aspect to both architectural photography and interior photography.

The accurate reproduction of the building or structure is paramount. Verticals need to be vertical.

I need to accurately present the buildings I am photographing. I do a lot of photography work for architects. An architect does not want their building to be distorted.

Quick architectural photography pro tip!!!!

Not always absolutely vertical. Sometimes it just does not look natural. And if the building does not look natural I have a problem. So quite often I get everything vertical, and level, and get the proportions and aspect correct.

Then I back off with the adjustments just a little bit. I lean the building back very slightly. This makes the building look straight but not too straight – so much so that it looks like it leaning the wrong way. This technical issue needs to be carefully managed.

So what next?

I am going to have a play with this feature, and will post images done with the old tools and with this new feature in Lightroom.

Later I will post before and after image/ images (depending how much time I have spare today) using this new tool.

Other articles about this new feature

Peta Pixel

Lightroom Queen

DP Review

Seems to be quite a bit of interest in this new feature. And quite rightly.

Thanks for reading this post, and please pop back later on today to my blog at (or maybe tomorrow) to view some examples of how this tool works for me.

Or you could subscribe to my blog and get these updates every day!!

Rick McEvoy

I am Rick McEvoy, an architectural and construction photographer living and working in the South of England. I create high quality architectural photography and construction photography imagery of the built environment for architects and commercial clients. I do not photograph weddings, families, small people or pets - anything that is alive, moves or might not do as I ask!! I am also the creator of the Photography Explained Podcast, available on all major podcast providers. I have a blog on my website where I write about my work and photography stuff. Rick McEvoy ABIPP, MCIOB

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