Quick Tip in Adobe Lightroom CC on how to manage bracketed sets of images

Auto-stack by capture time. After import, you might be faced with hundreds of images, and if you auto-bracket everything that is hundreds of images multiplied by three. I am not expert at maths but that is potentially a lot of images. 

And how do you select images when you have three of everything? 

Now I am not that good that I walk up to a scene, take a picture and walk away with the job done. 

I wish. 

I take more than one picture of a scene, and choose the best image (images if I am lucky) that I want to work on. 

Getting back to these bracketed sets we all have Adobe to thank for a fantastic feature called

“Auto-stack by capture time”. 

This is what you do. 

Import the images in the normal way. In the grid view, select all the images (Ctrl A), right click, select “Auto Stack by Capture Time” let it do to thing, right click again and then select “Collapse All Stacks”. 

I leave the Auto Stack feature at the default time of 2 seconds.

Then I go through my images and check that all are in stacks of three. Sometimes Lightroom misses a few, and sometimes if I took two shots straight after each other there may me a set of 6, 9, you get the idea. 

These images just need putting into sets of 3, which is nice and quick in Lightroom. 

So now you can see each image, with the correct first exposure in view, and the other two bracketed images stacked behind. I will write about stacking another time. 

I hope that you find this quick tip on how to easily manage bracketed sets of images helpful. 

If you want any more quick Lightroom tips get in touch. You can also go to the Adobe website where there is a vast database of questions and help available at  https://helpx.adobe.com/uk/support.html#/top_products

Rick McEvoy Photography Blog

Wednesday 24th August 2016. 


Rick McEvoy

I am Rick McEvoy, an architectural and construction photographer living and working in the South of England. I create high quality architectural photography and construction photography imagery of the built environment for architects and commercial clients. I do not photograph weddings, families, small people or pets - anything that is alive, moves or might not do as I ask!! I am also the creator of the Photography Explained Podcast, available on all major podcast providers. I have a blog on my website where I write about my work and photography stuff. Rick McEvoy ABIPP, MCIOB

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