The first picture taken using my Canon 24mm tilt shift lens is this picture of St Mark’s Church in Ampfield – now with the tree removed

A bit of gentle tree removal in Photoshop for a Tuesday morning.  

 St Mark's Church by Rick McEvoy architectural photographer in Hampshire
St Mark’s Church by Rick McEvoy architectural photographer in Hampshire

 St Marks Church with tree removed
St Marks Church with tree removed

Now that’s better. The top image is the original one that I processed. I didn’t think about the tree until I was looking at it this morning. What was I thinking?

5 minutes in Photoshop and that is the tree done. 

Such a nice start to a shorter working week – tree removal with my morning cuppa! 

I know. 

Rick McEvoy Photography

Architectural Photographer in Hampshire

Tuesday 2nd May 2017

Rick McEvoy

I am Rick McEvoy, an architectural and construction photographer living and working in the South of England. I create high quality architectural photography and construction photography imagery of the built environment for architects and commercial clients. I do not photograph weddings, families, small people or pets - anything that is alive, moves or might not do as I ask!! I am also the creator of the Photography Explained Podcast, available on all major podcast providers. I have a blog on my website where I write about my work and photography stuff. Rick McEvoy ABIPP, MCIOB

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