Architectural Photographers in Dorset and Hampshire – Rick McEvoy Photography
On this new gallery page I have included a selection of architectural images dating from 2009 to 2014. The images show two different styles of post processing, both of which I have produced for clients.
The London shots have been processed to provide an ultra-sharp and modern feel. This works for the modern skyscrapers and the view looking up the face of the Shard, but not so well for the London Bridge shot or the bridge shot of Ponte Vecchio in Florence.
The close up of the rainwater pipe I like, as it produces a sharp and distinctive shot clearly showing the Rhenizink branding.
The internal shot of the Duomo also works.
For comparison I have included some shots processed to provide a more natural feel, which I prefer for older buildings. The Poole Police Station shot is one of those, along with the view of the river in Florence taken from Ponte Vecchio.
Neither technique is right or wrong, it is down to what the client wants – it is simply a matter of taste.
Rick McEvoy LBIPP – Architectural Photographers
Bournemouth | Poole | Sandbanks | Dorset | Hampshire
© Rick McEvoy Photography 2014
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