Yes, this week no long in-depth blog post from me. Just a simple question. A simple request for you, my dear reader. A simple request from me to you.
Is there a question that you would like me to answer on anything related to building photography? Anything at all? And I mean anything at all. I would love to hear from you and answer your building photography related question, no matter how basic, advanced obscure or just plain odd.
So, for the next month my blog is open to your questions, just get in touch and ask me anything building photography related.
Who am I?
I am Rick McEvoy, an architectural, construction and real estate photographer based in the UK. I don’t only take photos of buildings professionally, I teach about the stuff that I do on my blog, and also on my splendid Photography Explained Podcast. More on that in a bit.
OK so what qualifies me to answer your questions on photographing buildings?
Well, I am a professionally qualified photographer, being an Associate Member of the BIPP (British Institute of Professional Photography), or ABIPP for short. A professional photography qualification that I am incredibly proud of.
And I am also professionally qualified in construction. So, not only am I professionally qualified in photography, I am also professionally qualified in the profession of building buildings!
Yes I could have worded that better, but you get the point I hope?
So yes, I know all about this stuff, both the construction processes that get buildings built, and also the art of photographing buildings once they have been built.
So, I know about this stuff ok.
How can you ask me a question?
Email me – That is the best way. And if all you want to do is say hi then that is fine, I love to hear from readers of my blog, and of course listeners to my podcast. Get in touch and I will reply to you.
Say hi and I will say hi back. Ask me a question and I will answer it.
And talking of my podcast
I am the creator and all things at the Photography Explained Podcast. This is my audio offering to the photography world where I answer photography questions one at a time, in plain English, in less than 10 minutes (ish), and without the irrelevant details.
Yes this is the other thing that I love to do, talk about this good stuff. So, if you have a photography question that you want answering, but it is nothing to do with photographing buildings, then send me your question – email is just fine – Or check out the Photography Explained Podcast website, where you can listen to all the episodes, reads the transcripts, and see what is on my list to explain.
Whatever your question, get in touch with me, it will be great to hear from you.
Related watching
Yes you can watch the video of this blog post right here on my You Tube channel.
Any questions get in touch via my website. It would be great to hear from you.
Cheers from me Rick