If you want to earn money from your photography, but don’t know where to start, then I can help you with my real estate photography training course. Believe me, I have been there too, not knowing how to start making money from my photography. But I have fixed this and I can do the same for you too.
In my real estate photography training course I teach you
- What real estate photography is
- The business of real estate photography
- Getting started
- Gear
- Camera settings
- Preparing for a shoot
- Doing a shoot
- Editing photos, data management
- Creating a portfolio
- Marketing – getting work
- Standing out – my secret sauce
Ok – does that sound good to you? It does? Great.
One thing I want to tell you before I go on is that my course is based on my own experiences. I tell you what you need to know and no more. I tell you how to get started in real estate photography.
And that is it.
What format is my real estate photogrpahy training course in?
It is all in video format. It is over 4 hours long. And it is just me talking to the camera. And there are a couple of Lightroom recordings in there too which is good.
Who am I to teach this stuff?
Well I have well over 30 years of experience in photography and construction. And I am professionally qualified in photography and construction which is nice!
- I teach this stuff on my blog.
- And this is what I do myself.
So yes I know about this stuff
Oh yes and I am also the creator and all things at the Photography Explained Podcast.
Why should you buy my course?
Well it is based entirely on my own experiences. And I mean entirely based on my personal experiences. I tell you what I do, how I do it and why I do it.
Take my course and you will know how to start as a real estate photographer. This stuff works – I know as it is what I do after all.
And the big difference is that I tell you what you need to know and no more. I simplify things. I don’t tell you things that you do not need to know.
Bespoke training
If you have a camera and a basic knowledge of photography you can take my course and then start on the road to making money from real estate photography. It really is that simple.
Here are some extracts from the course which will give you a flavour of the content.
1 My Introduction To Real Estate Photography
“I don’t claim to be the best real estate photographer, but I am one of the best at teaching this stuff.
And that is all that I will say about me. To find out more about me check out my websites, Rick McEvoy Photography, and my Photography Explained Podcast.
The course should pay for itself with the first 2 or 3 paying jobs, and gives you ideas for other markets to expand into once you have proved yourself as a working real estate photographer.
About this course.
This is a straight talking course, based entirely on my own experiences as a real estate, architectural and construction photographer.
There are no fancy charts, diagrams or info graphics – it is just me telling you what you need to know in plain English without the irrelevant detail.
I tell you what you need to know to get started making money. Follow my guidance and you will very quickly recover the cost of this course.”
2 The Business Side Of Real Estate Photography
“There will always be a demand for high quality photos of buildings – as long as there is a demand for the sale and lease of buildings there will be a demand for photos of them. And yes some of these are done by agents with phones, which is fine, but lay people using phones still cannot compete with professional photographers.”
3 Getting Started In Real Estate Photography
“Your first real estate shoot
The good news is that if you live in a building you have your first location to practise on. And if you know someone else who lives in a building that is your second location.
Photograph your home inside and out. Explore anything and everything. And once you have exhausted where you live get out and photograph other stuff.
How to photograph your house
Firstly, split it into the interior and the exterior. I find that breaking things down makes them easier to manage.
And this is where you have to start to think as a working real estate photographer and not someone photographing their house.”
4 Photography Gear – What I Use And What You Need To Know
“Right then – into the nitty gritty of gear. In this lesson I am going to tell you the gear that I use for probably 95% of my real estate shoots. And you might be pleasantly surprised that I do not use a lot of gear, and that I use the same stuff on every shoot.
And you might be further surprised when you find out what that gear is. It is not all lovely, expensive, shiny newness.”
5 What Camera Settings I Use, And More Importantly How And Why
“Having told you about the gear that I use I will now tell you the settings that I use for every real estate shoot.
And when I tell you what the camera settings are that I use, I will explain why I use them.
This is pretty much the technical side of how I take real estate photos that you can copy and use yourself, or use as a starting point for your own way of working.”
6 How To Prepare Properly For A Real Estate Shoot
“Professionals prepare
This is another of those shifts from hobbyist, or amateur photographer as we like to say in the UK, to professional photographer. Preparation is to another level.
This is all about professionalism, preparation, planning and execution.
And a change of mindset and attitude.”
“And lastly – preparation of me
I need to prepare me. And yes I really do take my preparation this seriously – I have set myself high standards which has meant that I have not had a problem on a shoot due to lack of preparation.“
7 Doing The Shoot – The Fun Bit
“Yes this really is the fun bit. For me photography is all about taking photos, creating new things. Once I have created a new photo there it is there for me to do what I want with whenever I want.
So everything else up to this point was boring, but doing all that stuff makes this the fun bit. And it makes it easier to get great photos time after time.
This is short lesson – everything is done after all so all we need to worry about here is taking the photos!”
8 Data Management And Processing The Photos In Lightroom
We have the photos from our shoot, now what to do with them?
“In this lesson I will tell you what I do, step by step, from getting back to my office to issuing the photos. Having gone through getting photos, I now get to a critical point in the process of real estate photography.
I am going to explain in words what I do, and you can join along in Lightroom with your own photos.”
And in the end I dived into Lightroom and recorded my screen which was good.
9 Your Real Estate Photography Portfolio
What should the photos show?
“Your best work, showing a variety of completed shoots to a high standard that will resonate with the clients that you are trying to work for. One viewing and they should know if you are a potential photographer for them.
Or not. They might not like your photos. I know people who do not like my images and that is fine. They are my images and this is what I do. I don’t expect everyone to love what I do just because I do – so that is something you need to prepare yourself for.”
10 Marketing – How To Be Found And How To Get Work
“This is what I do.
I once had an enquiry from an artist who wanted some paintings photographed. Not my thing really but I went and saw them and had a very interesting chat. The very charming couple told me that when they found my website it shouted out – I do not do weddings. That is what they said. Mission accomplished.
Everyone who approaches me with any kind of question or enquiry has some very important information about me.”
11 Service, Standards And Professionalism – How To Stand Out
“We are all the same
The photos that we produce are the photos. And any of us could in theory produce similar photos to a similar standard on a similar day for a similar cost.
And these photos would be just what the agent needs to market a property. The agent does not want fancy photos, just photos that show the property accurately and to its best.
Any professional photographer can produce the photos that an agent wants.
And if you or I fail then that is that – clients will just go to another photographer.”
And this
“How can we be different and stand out?
This is how.”
Sorry but this is my secret sauce which you have to buy the course for!
12 Summary, And Your Next Steps
“As you will have gathered by now , to be a real estate photographer you have to be able to deliver high quality, professional, technically correct, flattering images of properties time after time.
But that is just the beginning, that is the entry level requirement.”
And then I started to waffle so I did a very quick ad-lib
And that is my course.
I have written a bit of a sales page. This is an extract from that too,
“Attention aspiring real estate photographer
If you want to earn money from your photography, but don’t know where to start, then I can help you with my course. Believe me I have been there too, not knowing how to get going.
My course is this – “How To Become A Real Estate Photographer – Straight Talking Advice For Beginners To Get You Making Money Quickly And Build A Career.”
That sums things up nicely for me.
My last word
Basically, if you want to make money from real estate photography but don’t know where to start this is the course for you.
I have created the course that I wish I had taken back when I started trying to make money from my photography.
I have done this with my podcast
My Photography Explained Podcast came out of me looking for a podcast, and it did not exist.
This is what I do – I teach things the way I would like to be taught, and in the case of my podcast this is “Photography tings explained in less than 10 minutes without the irrelevant detail”.
How to buy my course?
Simple – head over to my courses page on my website and you will find a list of all my courses and links to get straight to them and buy them.
But before you do check out the free taster course
And one last thing sorry
I did a footnote recording, just tales of stuff that I have experienced over the years which I hope everyone likes.
Check out the video
Sorry, the absolute last thing is that I just want to tell you about the video I recorded of this blog post, which you can watch on my You Tube Channel.
Please, any questions get in touch via my website. Cheers from me Rick