I specialise in architectural and construction photography.
So I thought, why not share 51 great examples of my construction photography in Dorset with you all. So that is what I am going to do in this blog post. I am going to post 51 construction photography photos and tell you a bit about the photos. These photos include live construction sites, completed buildings and even a car park under construction. A fantastic variety of construction projects in Dorset all photographed by me.
Who am I?
I am not going to bore you in this post – this is just about the photos. I will add some links at the end of this post though in case you do want to find out more about me.
What is construction photography?
Well that is a good question.
Is it excavators and dumpers beavering away building the foundations? The first two photos show just that, with the brightly coloured plant moving huge amounts of materials around sites. One is the foundations for an extension to Bournemouth Police Station, and the second photo is the beginnings of a new car park at Bournemouth University.

Scaffolding makes great subject matter.
Scaffolding is one of those things that is different on each and every building, but still has that fascinating mass of metal and timber boards, and the debris netting partially hiding what is built behind.
And the scale of a major construction site needs to be conveyed, such as in this photo of the entrance to the Bournemouth Police Station site.

I find structures being built fascinating things, probably because of my lifetime of working in construction.
In this photo the concrete frame is there, and you can see the metal planks that have been placed by the tower crane that will be laid out and hidden forever by the concrete that will form the floors.

Talking of concrete, here is some concrete being poured to create a floor at the new Bournemouth Police Station.

This is nice shot, taken at a rural construction site in Corfe Castle. I was actually commissioned to photograph Catnic lintols being installed but could not stop myself from taking some nice branded photos which I gave to the contractor, Acheson Construction.

And here is a Catnic lintol with the famous Corfe Castle behind. I hope that this piece of engineered steel lasts as long as the structure behind and does not suffer being partially destroyed like its ancient neighbour!

As well as construction sites I have photographed other construction activities. Maintenance is not that popular as a subject for construction photography which I feel is a shame. In this photo two chaps from Fluestax are inspecting the glues from the roof of the Bournemouth Premier Inn. Important work and also very interesting subject matter.

Construction normally involves working at height, which I took to extremes when I went up on this cherry picker for a good look at he views all around Poole from well over 100 feet above ground level.

If you need photos taken at height make sure the photographer is happy to do this and appropriately equipped!
Plant is not interesting. I disagree with that. I find plant makes for very interesting photos, such as this air conditioning plant on the roof a major building in Poole. You can see the bird netting above and some nearly complete mechanical plant.

I have been fortunate to photograph some very unusual buildings over the years, which include the training building at Poole Fire Station. Such a unique building giving me photos like this.

Another thing that I have photographed is buildings under construction for visualisations, like this major construction site in Bournemouth. My photos were used by some very clever people to show the impact of this and other developments visually in that area.
I had to take this photo from a very specific location.

Construction photography covers the various stages of a construction project.
Take the next sequence of photos taken at Bournemouth University. The first photo is the extensive groundworks that were required as part of a courtyard project, giving the university a central walkway through the campus.

The second photo is taken from a similar viewpoint to the first photo, showing the finished paving. This was taken for Marshall for their promotional material.

The next photo is the view looking back from the other end which was used by the canopy supplier.

And the last photo is another canopy being constructed somewhere else but as part of the same project.

I have also photographed construction products, and for some big names at that!
I happily agreed to photograph some paint, Dulux Pyroshield no less. And here is one of the photos. Now paint is not that easy to photograph I have to tell you, and it is vital that you get the colours correct!

I also photographed sprayed insulation, BASF Walltite in a house being refurbished in Poole. As you can see from this photo I even managed to get the sea view in!

Another part of construction photography is branding, with this photo taken of the ElliottUK logo on one of their temporary buildings that I was commissioned to photograph by them.

That is the construction side of things, but 99 times out of 100 my construction photography is of completed projects.
These are the photos that everyone wants.
People do not seem that interested in construction phase photos, which I think is a great shame.
It is all about the completed buildings.

Related reading
I am going to write a similar post about my construction photography work in Hampshire, and refresh my construction photography page with all the other stuff that you will find helpful
But for now I would like to refer you to the following related posts
How to commission architectural photography
Hotel Photography – 10 Practical Tips For Hotel Owners
11 reasons to get me to photograph your construction project
That little lot should do
The video
You can view the photos in a Lightroom slideshow on my You Tube Channel. These are proving quite popular so make a cuppa, head on over there and let the photos scroll in front of your very eyes!
I hope that you have found this post interesting, and that if you are thinking of getting some photos of your construction project in Dorset that you will get in touch with me.
Next week – lets do the same but with my Hampshire stuff.
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I am a Chartered Builder and porfessionally qualified photographer living in Dorset. Rick McEvoy MCIOB, ABIPP