This weeks quick tip is about importing images into Adobe Lightroom.When you import images into Lightroom you can add things to the import process.The ones I use every time I import images into...
Lightroom, Photoshop and Luminar
Forgot to say. Don't forget Adobe Lightoom on the web wrote about this another time. Rick McEvoy Photography BlogSaturday 10th September...
How I use Collections in Adobe Lightroom CC to find the images I need quickly
I was talking before about Collections in Lightroom Well they have helped me select the last two images for my Portfolio. I have a collection called building exteriors, which as you will imagine was...
Shortcuts make Photoshop much quicker to use. I do most of my digital image processing in Adobe Lightroom, but also do further work in Photoshop. I find Photoshop more time consuming and difficult to...
Quick Tip in Adobe Lightroom CC on how to manage bracketed sets of images
Auto-stack by capture time. After import, you might be faced with hundreds of images, and if you auto-bracket everything that is hundreds of images multiplied by three. I am not expert at maths but... really is incredible.Content aware filling in the bits that used to be blank when you cropped an image tool. It is probably not called that...