Are you thinking of getting a new camera? I have pulled together a list of things that are important to me that I hope you find helpful.
What are these 31 features your new camera needs? Here is my list
- Small and light
- In camera HDR
- WiFi
- Connectivity as good as an iPhone
- Functionality of an iPhone
- Connectivity to my iPhone
- In-camera image processing
- Fully articulated screen
- A screen I can use in Greek sunshine!
- Touch screen with full functionality
- Excellent ergonomics
- Simple menu system
- 4K video with decent audio
- Vlogging/ recording capability
- Smaller lenses – same quality
- High quality sensor
- Excellent low light performance
- Stuff like time lapse, long exposure and other good stuff etc built in
- A sensor that doesn’t need cleaning
- Interchangeable lenses
- Tilt shift capability
- Ultra-wide angle lens
- Bespoke programming
- RAW Capture
- An EVF as good as a DSLR viewfinder
- Computational photography
- Focussing in the dark
- Weather-sealing
- The ability to output straight from the camera
- Shiny new loveliness
OK – that is my list. It won’t be the same as your list, and that is fine. You don’t want exactly what I want – you want what you want.
But I hope that mu thoughts help you in the modern day mission impossible that is choosing a new camera.
Before I go on
There are two things that I want to say.
The camera is not the important bit
What? Why not? This is why.
You are the important part of taking photos, not the camera. You are the one getting out there pointing the camera at stuff. The camera is just a case with some stuff in.
The camera is still not the important part
- You can take great photos with an average camera
- You can take rubbish photos with a great camera
- A great camere does not = great photos
- And an average camera does not = average photos
Get the point?
OK lets get into this
A new camera is a significant purchase in so many ways, so time spent identifying the features required will ensure that the best choice of a new camera is made.
By the way these are all features that will help me to take better photos, which is my number one priority.
Why am I writing this list now?
This list started off when I was writing a previous blog post about my Canon 6D, and brought together thoughts I have been having for some time. The starting point really was what would I do if I broke my Canon 6D – this is an entirely likely scenario as I am
- Intrinsically clumsy, and
- Take photos on live construction sites
- Like putting my camera very close to the bit of land where the waves and land meet.
- Take my camera with me absolutely everywhere
- Seriously I am really clumsy
So once that thought process had been initiated, the cogs started whirring slowly.
The 3 primary reasons/ concerns/ potential issues
1 – My dodgy old mince pies (like the rather too early Yuletide reference?)

My eyesight is getting worse as I get older. Well we are all getting older of course but I have a bit of a head start when it comes to age – I am already 53.
It is my eyes that are the issue. I have been short sighted for donkeys’ years now. But in the last 5 years my near vision has got worse and worse.
Add short-sighted to losing your near vision and it is a royal pain in the X! Try seeing all those small lights and dials on a camera, and then switch your vision to distance – not easy.
2 – A different way of working
Yes – I am working in a different way now. My Canon 6D is still doing an excellent job with my architectural photography work, but there are other things that I am doing now, travel photography, vlogging and podcasting. My Canon 6D is not fitting the bill as well for these areas of my work.

3 – I just want something shiny and new
Shock confession. I want a new camera. There – I have said it now. I think that this has become one of those self-fulfilling prophecies. I started writing about not replacing my Canon 6D and find myself here writing this post with much too much enthusiasm!
To be fair to me my cameras tend to last me five years so I am due for something that will take me into the year 2024 – imagine what technology will be doing for us by then!!
Back to the subject in hand – here are the 31 features that I want in my next camera.
These 31 things are in no particular order, and are a list of the things that came to me when I sat down to capture the headings for this article. 31 just happens to be the number of things I came up with – there is no significance to this number!!
A quick disclaimer
Some of the links in this post are affiliate links – you don’t pay any more if you buy something but I do get smalll commission.
1 – Smaller and lighter than my Canon 6D with lenses attached.
I found myself using my iPhone more and more on holiday. I basically couldn’t be bothered getting my Canon 6D out all the time, and really enjoyed the ease of using an iPhone.
I know – its not Canons fault I’m lazy!
I used my Canon 6D for sunrise shots, where it was just me and the sunrise, no on else around and just me to think about. I used my Canon 6D on my travel tripod, the Manfrotto 190 Go.
I would really like something much smaller and lighter that I can take on trips and not be burdened with.
My 6D is not that big to be fair – it is just the collection of stuff together that bugs me. And I know there is smaller stuff out there.
Talking of tripods I also use a Platypod and a very small tripod called the Manfrotto Pixi. If I had a much smaller camera, I would have more options in terms of tripods and other supports which is rather exciting.
2 – In camera HDR
I am going to refer to my Canon 6D as my camera from now on. OK?
My camera has built-in HDR, but this is only to Jpeg files. I shoot in RAW only, so this feature is of no use to me.
Or is it?
Is there a different way of looking at this? Has the technology of cameras, sensors, image capture and image processing progressed to the point where there is no real difference between Jpeg and RAW?
Is there a camera that makes this differentiation irrelevant?
And is there a camera that makes HDR irrelevant as well?
Well it’s a thought.
Can a single image capture be enough?
Or a single image capture processed using something like Luminar (this is an affiliate link by the way).
3 – GPS
GPS is a must for not only my travel photography, but also my commercial photography and the stuff I do on the way to and from shoots.
I have GPS on my Canon 6D which I always use, which I find incredibly useful.
I use the Map Module in Lightroom (yes another affiliate link) a lot, especially when I am writing about my photographs on my various websites, blog and also on the Improve Photography website.

4 – Wi-fi
I use Wi-Fi to remotely control my camera using the Canon Connect App. I have used this to activate my camera from the top of my painters’ pole in a couple of situations.

This photo was taken in a pretty harsh environment, a gravel loading facility next to a live rail siding. I had to photograph the gravel being unloaded by the 360 machine from the train into the gravel bays.
And when these guys are unloading from a train on a live rail network they get on with it!

The other example is where I want to take a photograph of a building from higher than ground level, like the photo above. Getting to first floor level, which is only circa 3m gives a completely different perspective, and also means that my camera is at first floor level, eliminating the need to correct verticals.

5 – Connectivity as good as an iPhone
In the year 2020 why do cameras not have the same functionality and connectivity that we all enjoy with our phones?
My Canon 6D is an older camera now granted but cameras in general seem to lack way behind phones.
Why can’t I take a photo and share it with a client immediately? I can with my phone. And that is what I end up doing!
6 – The functionality of an iPhone
You know how easy an iPhone is to use? I want my camera to be as easy to use.
Not a lot to ask surely…….
7 – Connectivity to my iPhone (thinking about it)
Improving that in a clever way could negate the need for the two points above. The problem here is that the camera and the phone are made by different companies, annd compatibility is I guess not their priority.
8 – In camera image processing
What do I mean by this? I guess I am talking about Jpeg image capture with more processing, meaning I can use images straight from camera (with the connectivity mentioned above).
Or RAW image capture with processing in camera.
9 – Fully articulated screen
I put my camera on a painters’ pole. I also put my camera on the ground, on a Platypod or Manfrotto Pixi tripod. I hold my camera out of windows.
I hold my camera out in front of me to get over things.
For all of these situations a fully articulating screen would be a huge bonus to me – this would genuinely help me taking photos.
10 – A screen I can actually see in normal light and also in direct Greek sunshine
I am getting old. I am (rather tragically) over 50. And my eyes are not what they were.
The screens on my Canon 6D are an issue. The tiny numbers in the viewfinder are also an issue to me.

I have been getting away with these shortcomings mainly by the way I take my photos. I pre-set most of my camera settings so most of the time all I am changing is the aperture and the point of focus.
When I want to deviate from that in any way the problems begin.
And I have noticed recently that all things that I do with my Canon 6D are becoming more difficult. Not just my Canon 6D of course – all things that I do that involve close focus.
And the distance stuff isn’t that great either. Oh the woes of getting old…….
A large bright screen will help I have no doubt. Going from my iPhone XS to my Canon 6D screen is like going from my iPhone back to one of the old Nokia phones with the little screen – remember them??
11 – Touch screen with full functionality
This ties in with points raised before, putting all these bits together to get something approaching iPhone touch screen functionality.
The thought of a touch screen that is as user friendly as that on an iPhone or iPad is rather exciting to me.
12 – Ergonomics that make it a pleasure to use
My Canon 6D works for me ergonomically. I have handled some smaller cameras and they do not handle as well – that is a very good reason for going to an actual camera shop and actually holding an actual camera rather then reading reviews online.
The internet will never replace a shop for the experience of actually holding something and getting that tactile experience – that is one reason why it is so important that we all go to shops and buy things, or there will be no shops and nowhere that you can go to hold an actual camera.
I have to say that Canon excel at handling – my 6D is an extension o f my hand!
13 – Simple logical menu system
Not a lot more to say really – I have heard that other camera manufacturers systems are not as good as Canons, which I am used to. And to be honest I change so little, maybe because there is so little to change, that this is not currently an issue.
This may be an issue if I had a camera with more variables to play with. Or if I changed from Canon.
One to think about.
14 – 4K video with high quality audio recording
I currently do 99% of videos with my iPhone. Now I do have a DJI Osmo Mobile 3 that I need to make better use of but I would like to do more 4K video with an actual camera – my Canon 6D does not do 4K video of course.
My videos are not the best, but on the plus side check out this lovely 6 minutes of sunrise tranqulity on the wonderful Greek Island of Paxos.
15 – Excellent Vlogging/ recording capabilities
I am finding the need to produce more videos, some for my own promotional purposes, some for clients I am working for. At the moment all I am doing is holding my iPhone up in front of me and talking into it using the built-in mic. Whilst the picture quality is adequate the sound is not good enough.
16 – Smaller cheaper lenses offering similar quality
This ties in with my desire to have smaller camera gear especially for travel photography. I have found in recent trips that I have been using my iPhone more and more for day to day shooting, using my Canon 6D for sunrises and stuff like that.
Whilst the iPhone has a remarkably capable camera it just does not compare with my Canon 6D and Canon L lenses, and nor should it to be fair.
17 – High quality sensor
I love the sensor on my Canon 6D, and love the images it captures. This is a 20 MP sensor, and I will not accept a lesser performing sensor.
Another intangible here is how the sensor on another camera will perform, and what will the look be of the images?
18 – Excellent low light performance
My Canon 6D has excellent low light performance. Well I think it does. Again performance needs to be better than that I currently enjoy.
Now someone called me out on this, saying that the Canon 6D low light performance is not that good – no idea where they are coming from?
19 – Stuff like time lapse, long exposure and other good stuff etc built in
I want some toys and things that I can play with and have some fun! And I want to be able to use the latest technological developments in my photography. I know it is all about the composition but I have worked hard on that for years now, and will continue to do so going forwards.
I just want some fun when I am taking my photos and some new things to try out.
20 – A sensor that doesn’t need cleaning
I hate removing sensor dust spots. Hate it.
So a sensor that doesn’t need cleaning will be good. Not an essential but a nice to have.
I do not know if this is even a thing – one of the problems with mirrorless cameras is that the sensor is closer to the bit where you mount the lens as there is no mirror there. On an SLR there is a mirror in-between the rear lens mount and the sensor which must provide some protection.
21 – Interchangeable lenses
Now this is an essential. I want to be able to change lenses, I want to be able to expand the range of lenses that I have in the future as and when needed.
And I want the lenses to be of a similar quality to my current Canon L series lenses.
But I want them to be smaller. I know I want it all.
22 – Tilt shift capability
I had a tilt-shift lens that I rarely used. The truth is I did not like it. It is manual focus, and I have managed for so long without it that I sold it.

But now I want to try one out again.
I know this is a complete shift (no pun intended) from a couple of years ago.
23 – Ultra-wide angle lens
This might be an issue with crop factors. At the moment I have a Canon 17-40mm lens on my full frame Canon 6D. If anything I want the ability to go wider than 17mm if at all possible, but without the size and expense of the canon 11-24mm lens – an awesome lens for sure but not what I am looking for at the moment.
This could be a deal breaker for me.
And then there is the Olympus 7-14 F2.8 Zuiko…….
24 – Bespoke programming – Custom Function that works!
I have never got on with the custom functions on my Canon 6D. I think this is my own fault, a definite display of petulance and a lack of time studying this feature.
But to be able to have pre-sets that I can switch to automatically to mix things up is very appealing to me.
25 – RAW Capture
I shoot in RAW, process in RAW and output in Jpeg. But with the new technologies out there is this still a thing? Or has the in-camera elastic trickery made this a thing of the past?
26 – EVF
I have tried various EVFs in shops, and also at Gatwick Airports’ Dixons World Duty Free. The main thing that I do with my airport downtime is look at cameras and marvel at EVFs.
I love the way that you get live exposure simulation in the EVF – such an awesome thing to be able to see.
The EVF however needs to provide the same optical experience as the viewfinder on my Canon 6D though – field of view here is a consideration together with brightness and realism.
And the size of the stuff in the EVF.
27 – Computational photography
I know very little about this, but the advances in technology must be being included in image capture?
I am sure that with the power of processing things like sensor size, mega pixels, noise and stuff like that the gap between high end and lower end cameras is closing.
28 – Focussing in the dark
My Canon 6D is pretty good at this. I have written about this on my blog and also on the Improve Photography website.
And to be honest people have been surprised that I find the Canon 6Ds low light focussing capabilities.
I am sure that newer cameras will have better low light focussing capabilities than my Canon 6D so I expect to see benefit in this area with a new camera.
29 – Weather-sealing
I need a weather-sealed camera. All my photography is done outdoors. And I don’t stop for the rain.
And I work on live construction site which are wet, dusty inhospitable and noisy places. Not that noise is relevant here.
30 – And the ability to output straight from the camera.
Straight from the camera onto the internet. This is a new business need which I will expand on in the summary.
If I could take a photograph with image processing pre-sets that I knew would give me the initial level of processing that I wanted that would be a start. There is of course the question of the metadata, filename, title and description. But I guess they could be added after the event?
I need to be able to add high quality metadata to my images – this is something I am quite fastidious about.
It is the ability to be able to get processed images out of the camera and onto my websites that I am keen to have.
31 – Shiny new loveliness
I have often written that there is too much talk about gear, which I still maintain is true. But this does not mean that I do not want some shiny new techie loveliness now!
And when I get a camera I do tend to use it for a number of years.
But there is a genuine worry here
What if I jump ship to another manufacturer and don’t like it? If I were to get a Canon EOS R, which is a strong contender, I would be staying in the Canon ecosystem. I would know what I was getting, but with lots and lots of bells and whistles in addition.
But what if I went elsewhere and just did not like it – that does worry me.
Two camera systems?
This is where I ended up. I still have the Canon 6D and three lenses, but also have the wonderful Olympus EM5 Mk 2 – this has been a good move for me keeping my fulll frame DSLR and adding to with the micro four thirds Olympus system.
Job done for now!
New things
I have embarked on some new projects, two of which I have recently completed.
I am talking about my new photography websites Photos of Santorini and Paxos Travel Guide. And my new podcast Photography Explained.
I am doing new things that need new ways of working.
I want to the ability to add photos direct to my websites to speed up content creation.
I want to publish images straight from the camera with no further processing required.
And that is it for this post
Thanks for reading, and I hope that I have given you some things to think about if you are considering buying a new camera.
And if you are able to point me in the right direction for my next camera please do so. And one last thing – check out the video that accompanies this blog there on my YouTube channel.

Rick McEvoy ABIPP – Photographer, blogger, podcaster
#newcamerafeatures #newcamera #31featuresforyournewcamera