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Which Mode Is Best For Architectural Photography And Building Photography?
There are so many camera modes on DSLR and mirrorless cameras these days, so how do you know which mode to use? For architectural and building photography the best picture mode to use is Av Mode....
Behind The Scenes At The Photography Explained Podcast – Want To Know What I Do?
In this post I want to tell you all about my photography podcast, why I do this, how I create it, all that good stuff. In the Photography Explained Podcast I explain one photographic thing per...
The photography of buildings is called a number of different things, depending on what you are photographing, the purpose of the photos and where they are. Here are 11 different types of building...
Do You Want To Learn How To Become A Real Estate Photographer?
Any photographer can start to make money from their photography by taking my “How To Become A Real Estate Photographer” course because my course is based on my own personal experiences. The...
How I Got The Shot Of The Vertical Extension At University Hospital Southampton
Yes, back to what I love to do the most. Take photos at major construction sites. This live construction site is at University Hospital Southampton. This photo was taken using the following...
What Is Gaffer Tape Used For? Well I Use It For Anything And Everything!
A short post this week about my favourite tape, which I use all the time. And I mean all the time. Gaffer tape is a fabric tape that is heat resistant, sticks to many surfaces, and does not damage...